A short history of SV Companion -
In April of 2005, Kim and I signed an agreement to purchase a Leopard Catamaran and place it in the Moorings Charter Program for 5 years.

Buying the last 40' Catamaran built in 2005 by Robinson and Caine of South Africa, the boat was to be chartered in Placencia, Belize. It arrived in Belize in late November, and was used by Moorings Chartering until June of 2010. During that time, we were able to sail our boat many times, and have a few charters in other parts of the world; LaPaz Mexico, Abaco Bahama, British Virgin Islands, Nice France, Gocek Turkey (Turquoise Coast).

Max , our nephew and his dad, Mike will be joining, Kim and I for part of the voyage. We are also looking forward to meeting family and friends along the way.

Our blog is intended to share our journey, memories and information to sailors.

Enjoy, Dale & Kim

PS: 10 years after the start of our voyage, we are living in LaConner with SV Companion and the adventure continues.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Taking some time off

So you know something is up when Dale starts chuckling to himself and then breaks out with laughter.. We were tidying up Companion – letting some of our gear “air out” … we have these very sophisticated life vests that require canisters that will allow them to “do their thing” upon water impact … which is something I really valued as Dale shopped for his gear.

I am sure if you have read the blog from time to time – you know that we have and what I consider a couple of “white knuckle sails” -  I  always put on my life vest for long crossings and scary ones, too. I take great care to put on my “automatic release” vest with precision - knowing that at least I could float along if something happened. So no worries in my head …. or so I thought … back to the story …

Anyway – Dale was getting ready to put the life vests back in their spot – he got the giggles, coming into the galley – he says. “You know your life vest …. (He could hardly get it out… LOL) … I never activated the canister.  I did all of the others. Totally forgot… oh so sorry … I guess I better do that now … (more LOL).”   Thanks a lot is the only comment I could make … but no worries – mine is now activated … he can’t get rid of me yet!!  Yes, he did this on Valentine’s Day.. What a guy!!

We are needed in Bellingham to start the big wedding planning – so off to Washington we go.  Companion is secured, the main sail to the repair shop for it tore in two sections (that thing is huge, especially when you try and put it in a dinghy – wish I would have taken a picture), all pumps off, provisions and frig in order … she is ready for a rest. 

Dale had a rude awakening this morning – actually his feet did – this is the first time he put a pair of shoes on since September 22 – oh my …  feels kind of funny.  The toes really like flip-flops ….. Oh well – three weeks and they will have freedom again!!! 

I am looking forward to sleeping in a bed that I can climb in and out of on the sides  …. not having to take a leap up then crawl into like a cave!!!   Life’s little pleasures!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It is good to have friends ...........

Amy, Carol, me and Laura up at Shirley Heights

It is good to have friends…. especially ones that will travel for 24 hours to meet up with you – and have absolutely no expectations about what the days will bring….  that is what we have… and we are blessed.
Dale, Brian and Steve in English Harbor

Companion, like a home is a place where our guests can unwind, relax and enjoy their time!!! That is our goal – but just like anything else – the sea legs need to get accustom to their surroundings and then the fun can begin.

When one of our guests sighs – we are happy because that usually means that they are starting to relax; they take extra deep breaths of the fresh air, stare out at the different shades of blue and  turquoise water, see the sun kissing their faces and realizing the fact; that they can’t go anywhere…. or really get off Companion …..that is what we offer… of course this usually takes only an hour or two…. then the fun begins …

Amy arrived with bells on her toes – okay – maybe just in her flip flops on Sunday – got her onto Companion and then right off again to watch the super bowl with the rest of our gang – Laura, Brian, Carol and Steve ….  two dinghy trips back to the boat to settle everyone in for the evening…. a little chit chat and off to sleep – we were still a little “jet lagged” from the Guadeloupe voyage  and for Carol, Steve and Amy from the travel….
Three dudes dinghying back to the gals

Once again the wind is not our best friend – tried to head north – we actually got to our destination – Deep Bay – only to figure out that we would be “rockin’ and rollin’ all night long” if we were to anchor – so Dale make a quick u turn and we sailed for a couple more hours south to Falmoth Bay – hooked a mooring ball and had a restful “howlin’ night” -  it is such an experience to “people watch” there - those mega yachts and just try to figure out what they do on those beasts or beauties… Amy’s camera was documenting the sights  … Dealt out the cards because we are starting to teach “Oh Hell”!  Watch out folks – Laura was on fire with her bids and won – she didn’t realize it till the game was over – but we will chalk that up to being either tired or relaxed!! And with me giving the instructions everyone was handicapped!! Capitan Dale had retired early that evening. 

A hike up to the fort at English Harbor and a self guided tour in Nelson’s Dockyard  - nice to feel land underneath the feet – a delicious treat at the bakery and we were set – evening decision was to taxi up to Shirley Heights to see Eric Clapton’s home (actually a compound – it was something else) – the view above and over the Dockyards was spectacular – we tried to have a sunset dinner  up there – to no avail – not serving dinner on a Tuesday (shucks) – so watched the sun go down –which was really beautiful – lit up the sky with golds and reds -  Brian was sure he saw “the green flash!!  (me – not so sure!)  William (our taxi man) delivered us to Johnny Coconuts for dinner on the waterfront in the Boatyard …. Back to the dinghy, Companion was game for another night of “Oh Hell”  - we are just starting to get the groove of the game….which was a good thing!! 

I always wanted to learn to play cribbage – so the two experts on board – Carol and Steve – coached me and I think I have it!!  I have a feeling that both Dale and I are hooked on that game….gonna bring back a board when we come.

A really great sail back to Deep Bay - nice winds (for a change going in the right direction), gentle rolling waves, and warm temperature equal – everyone is happy!! Captain Steve gets a lesson at the helm and took to it … Anchored down that afternoon with perfection – just gotta make sure we are stuck – the winds kicked up to 25 knots – Dale and Brian surveyed the anchor – navigation alarm on and we are good to go – wind continued all night long – but we were held fast – yea for the “anchoring team!”  Swimming, snorkeling, knitting, reading, relaxing and card playing are all on the agenda for the next couple of days – hard duty but we can do it!!   Sad to leave Deep Bay because we know that the week has to close – ugh – don’t want to think about that yet.
Captain Steve and his first mate - Carol

One of my joys on Companion – are the meals – everything from the shopping experience, prep to actual consumption – anyway we have had many delicious meals this week -  BUT one particular dinner  (ready for a long story?) is very memorable – Julia Childs would love this!!!

Laura and I had purchased a HUGE “French chicken” in Guadeloupe, talked it up..  how we should prepare her, knowing that she would be scrumptious  … and oh what a treat we would all be in for.

As you can see - Laura wrestled with the bird – (this should have beenour first inclination that this bird had a mind of her own!) - we needed to make it fit into the pressure cooker…. No easy task – as the tendons were like miniature bungee cords…. but Laura got her done…. a quick clean up as we just swabbed the deck.
Nothing like butchering on the back deck!

The table set – ready to go … fine dining at its best - a little chit chat for the gal pals while cooking… the guys relaxin’ on the trampoline out front – oh can’t wait!
Table ready to go - with all of our fine china!

Hmm… you could smell the rosemary, garlic, and seasoning fragrances, I am sure all the sailors in the whole bay were envious of this gourmet experience….  well… plates filled, wine poured, prayer said and we began …to chew and chew and chew.,,, I don’t think if we had cooked “her” for twelve hours the outcome would have been any different … the old hen… got the last laugh – tough as nails, overboard she went – I am sure the fish even left her on the bottom of the sea floor – much laughter and Brian to the rescue – popcorn for everyone!!! 
Laughed till we cried ... there was no eatin' that tough old bird!

You know it is so much better to share these experiences with old and new friends along this journey – we appreciate the extra effort that it takes to meet up with us and the flexibility once on board – the stories are to numerous to write down – the memories to be cherished for this first mate and her Captain – thanks Laura, Brian, Carol, Steve and Amy – you made our last couple of weeks such fun!!!

Can’t wait to see Amy’s photos – she is quite the artist and we will share!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Antigua beckons us back!!

Tuesday morning was an absolutely calm and beautiful  – as usual Dale is awake right before dawn (therefore I am awake… and sometimes not by choice) anyway the water is crystal clear and not to deep – a little morning swim – Dale was snorkeling around and checked our anchor that we had so carefully “hooked in” – but apparently not so good.   The sea bottom – as hard as a rock and there was no way an anchor could penetrate it –and ours didn’t - so we pulled anchor and chain; motored into the little fishing village dock area – secured the boat – did a little housekeeping and decided to find a way to the airport to greet Laura and Brian – we were not so sure Laura and Brian would find us in Port Louis. It was a scramble – (French is the only spoken language!!)  but after charades and lots of smiling – to the "pharmacia" we went – ahhhhhhh English speaking pharmacist – got us connected to the bus line  - quite a ride thru all of the other little villages – at the end of the bus line we then took a taxi to the  airport – we had 15 minutes to spare before the Alonso’s arrived – what fun it was to see them right off the plane.  Rental car fiasco's and off and ready to explore Guadeloupe – LeMoule was our dinner spot – perfect little BBQ on the beach of chicken and ribs – back to Companion to settle in and rest.

Wednesday bright and early heading down to check out the “other side” of Guadeloupe – actually Laura and I kept looking at each other – wondering why we choose this island – not too pretty in our eyes – what were the travel books saying – couldn’t figure it out – stopped at the beach where Jacques Costeau’s underwater park is- a few dive boats – again, not so pretty – just kept going – did find a nice little outside cafe with “moules and frites”  - the rain forest was interesting – but we are use to tall waterfalls – spent the day touring – back to the boat again – still tied to the dock – which was a good thing!! 
Laura and Brian on the peninsula

Thursday off the “other side” of the island – this side was spectacular – the beaches of crystal white sand – tourist around – cool little café – a delicious bakery with chocolate croissants – a “special beach” for Brian’s entertainment – you can imagine that one!!  A hike up to one of the lookouts over the Atlantic Ocean/Caribbean Sea – and then off to a fun café – only there were to be no crepes till later in evening – schucks!!  This “side” redeemed the island!  Returned car and taxied back to Companion with Mr. Remy Gregory from Port Louis – a one man “taxi service!” – worked perfect for us.
on the pretty side of the island

Friday morning, left about 6 am (Dale’s preferred time) and set sail back to Antigua – oh my …. Dale and Laura had a really good sail – not so much for Brian and I – next time we will take the “drug” – 6 to 10 foot waves and up to 30 knot winds – so we had gusts and swells – I was really glad when Dale sailed into the Falmouth Harbor (So was Brian …. he did have one “exorcist” moment – but rallied!!)  Immigrations and customs no problem  - dinner on Companion...We were all pooped and ready for bed – but not till after a game of “Angry Birds”.

Saturday Laura treated us to fresh baked sconces ... we sailed up to Jolly Harbor - Carol and Steve Wallace were to arrive in the afternoon - so of course we made Companion sparkle.....and docked in the marina to wait for them.... 
Lots to celebrate!!

life is good with friends....

Oh by the way - we did have extremely exciting news - Emily and Kyle announced their engagement... what fun we will have planning - even long distance - this is gonna be good - date to be determined this week!!!!
toasting the good news - congrats Em and Kyle

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Passage to Guadeloupe

4:30 am –- the time designated by “Captain” Dale to leave Jolly Harbor, Antigua – the alarm goes off 4 am – wake and prepare to depart – anticipation of the journey that lies ahead - we have 42 nautical miles to go to get to Port. Louis, Guadeloupe to meet Laura and Brian Alonso - not sure where we are going but assuming that the winds and waves will take us there and of course with the help from our chart plotter and GPS – we are golden. 

The “dark” is an amazing time to sail – the stars are your only light especially when there is only a sliver of a moon – Dale is ready, he pulls the line off the mooring ball – I am at the helm – just to make sure we are backing up in the proper direction – He resumes control of helm  - me - stationed at the bow watching for mooring balls, buoys and odd ships that don’t have their anchor lights on.
We go slow as not to disturb anyone – out of the channel and into the sea … waves are rollers and the winds are “above average”- but ok.   I then sit in my spot – outside salon table – and watch – the stars and sky – they evolve  - it is a most powerful/meaningful time of the day  - a new beginning - the time when the stars and darkness are in a distinct line as the dusk rises before the sun -  no question about it – a daily miracle…. it doesn’t last long enough in my humble opinion!

We are in good spirits – Dale had the jib out first – till the dawn – and then hoists the main sail – off go the engines and we basically sail for 40 miles – non stop on one port tack.  We sail from the southern edge of Antigua, zip past Monserrat  (volcano island venting steam) and into Port Louis, Guadeloupe – we saw land at every point of sail – makes this girl happy!!  Almost 9 hours of sailing – and we are glad to have our anchor secured – in a sheltered bay on the southern edge of Port Louis – only I wished for at least one more boat to be in the bay (I like to be with others in the dark.)  Dale “dinghyed” into the marina  (which is really a fishing village) – I stood anchor watch –he cleared immigration/customs and checked out the village – this is the place where we are to meet Laura and Brian tomorrow.  Dale had great success with immigrations – always a challenge  - always a commentary to share – returned after visiting with all of the “officials”… the immigrations, the postmaster, the grocer, the fisherman, and last but not the less, the wine guy!  (He was my favorite)

Sunset at Port Louis

A fabulous sunset, a excellent (if I say so myself) green curry seafood rice dish and a delicious bottle of French Bordeaux  - what more could a girl ask for after the anticipation of a long day’s sail – except to look forward to seeing our friends, Laura and Brian tomorrow – life is so good and oh so sweet!! Oh and by the way – another sailboat anchored near us – that makes it a really good evening, too!

Delicious Bordeaux - reading the vintage Cruising Guide