A short history of SV Companion -
In April of 2005, Kim and I signed an agreement to purchase a Leopard Catamaran and place it in the Moorings Charter Program for 5 years.

Buying the last 40' Catamaran built in 2005 by Robinson and Caine of South Africa, the boat was to be chartered in Placencia, Belize. It arrived in Belize in late November, and was used by Moorings Chartering until June of 2010. During that time, we were able to sail our boat many times, and have a few charters in other parts of the world; LaPaz Mexico, Abaco Bahama, British Virgin Islands, Nice France, Gocek Turkey (Turquoise Coast).

Max , our nephew and his dad, Mike will be joining, Kim and I for part of the voyage. We are also looking forward to meeting family and friends along the way.

Our blog is intended to share our journey, memories and information to sailors.

Enjoy, Dale & Kim

PS: 10 years after the start of our voyage, we are living in LaConner with SV Companion and the adventure continues.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Taking some time off

So you know something is up when Dale starts chuckling to himself and then breaks out with laughter.. We were tidying up Companion – letting some of our gear “air out” … we have these very sophisticated life vests that require canisters that will allow them to “do their thing” upon water impact … which is something I really valued as Dale shopped for his gear.

I am sure if you have read the blog from time to time – you know that we have and what I consider a couple of “white knuckle sails” -  I  always put on my life vest for long crossings and scary ones, too. I take great care to put on my “automatic release” vest with precision - knowing that at least I could float along if something happened. So no worries in my head …. or so I thought … back to the story …

Anyway – Dale was getting ready to put the life vests back in their spot – he got the giggles, coming into the galley – he says. “You know your life vest …. (He could hardly get it out… LOL) … I never activated the canister.  I did all of the others. Totally forgot… oh so sorry … I guess I better do that now … (more LOL).”   Thanks a lot is the only comment I could make … but no worries – mine is now activated … he can’t get rid of me yet!!  Yes, he did this on Valentine’s Day.. What a guy!!

We are needed in Bellingham to start the big wedding planning – so off to Washington we go.  Companion is secured, the main sail to the repair shop for it tore in two sections (that thing is huge, especially when you try and put it in a dinghy – wish I would have taken a picture), all pumps off, provisions and frig in order … she is ready for a rest. 

Dale had a rude awakening this morning – actually his feet did – this is the first time he put a pair of shoes on since September 22 – oh my …  feels kind of funny.  The toes really like flip-flops ….. Oh well – three weeks and they will have freedom again!!! 

I am looking forward to sleeping in a bed that I can climb in and out of on the sides  …. not having to take a leap up then crawl into like a cave!!!   Life’s little pleasures!!


  1. hhahaaaaaaa hahaaaa hhahahahahaahahaha ok that was funny. Good thing you didnt go overboard. Still freaking hilarious.

  2. I would have held on to you, Kim. Glad you didn't need the life vest though.
