A short history of SV Companion -
In April of 2005, Kim and I signed an agreement to purchase a Leopard Catamaran and place it in the Moorings Charter Program for 5 years.

Buying the last 40' Catamaran built in 2005 by Robinson and Caine of South Africa, the boat was to be chartered in Placencia, Belize. It arrived in Belize in late November, and was used by Moorings Chartering until June of 2010. During that time, we were able to sail our boat many times, and have a few charters in other parts of the world; LaPaz Mexico, Abaco Bahama, British Virgin Islands, Nice France, Gocek Turkey (Turquoise Coast).

Max , our nephew and his dad, Mike will be joining, Kim and I for part of the voyage. We are also looking forward to meeting family and friends along the way.

Our blog is intended to share our journey, memories and information to sailors.

Enjoy, Dale & Kim

PS: 10 years after the start of our voyage, we are living in LaConner with SV Companion and the adventure continues.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Oh Brother!

Big Brother Ed.

So … when Ed found out that the “cousins” were coming - he hinted - well not actually hinted - but suggested - that he would love to join Companion again for another stint … Dale and I were thrilled … the trip south to Golfito (about 350 nautical miles) would be so much more enjoyable to have company and help.

“Hey, which direction are we headed?”  Ed, Dale and Bud …

It just seems that Ed relaxes right into the groove - he just gets caught up looking at the great blue sea.  It makes me wonder what he is really thinking! 

Contemplation! It's the best place in the house for that!

What was really fun - was to hear his sailing stories - of course we had heard them before - but Bud and Sue were a new audience and certainly enjoyed the tales!  It was great having knowledgeable sailors on board - especially when there was “weather concerns.”  On the lookout … a storm / squall was a brewing - not to terrible - but enough to watch for!

 “Over there Captain - head that way.”  Trying to out run the rain!

Or sometimes - just follow rainbows!

Once in a while - when we are sea - the tension is a “little tight” between Dale and I - but with Ed along - he just calms us down - and then after the “situation” is under control - he rises to the occasion with humor … nobody can make me laugh harder than Ed … I mean it. Belly hurting laughter - till tears run down ….. or whatever!

I know I told the story  - but just want to mention one more time the “Gold Bond” powder remedy from the beach walk in Samara … it was such a monumental memory for Ed  - that we (he and I) now use “Gold Bond” as a secret phrase - when I text “Gold Bond” to Ed; he will know that Dale is irritating me and I need a little sympathy … so here’s to “Gold Bond!”  He so enjoys the moment!  All moments!  I so wish I had a photo of him when that powder hits his tender skin!!  It will be etched in our memory banks forever!! (giggling!)

 When in Costa Rica ... do what the Cost Ricans do!!  Coconut milk - really?

Anchoring at the Isla Tortuga’s - Costa Rica’s most pristine islands and beaches - the plan was to just hang out  … Ed - the “exercise guru” that he is - went for a swim and beach walk … after exploring the beach - swam back to Companion - a good little workout for him!

Upon his return - a presentation of his beach treasures … first he found an Olympus camera - the guys quickly took out the chip to check out the pics - to no avail - they couldn’t snoop into that camera’s life!

BUT the other treasure is actually one that I will always treasure!  A perfectly new beer cozy - it is as if Ed actually went out and hand picked it - but no … found it right on the beach - it was meant to be … It couldn’t be more perfect and of course he doesn’t let go of something so funny - and for the next 10 days … we had a field day with the cozy… of course at Dale’s expense!

 The caption reads;
“I am not in charge!  I just know what you should be doing!”
Perfect  - wouldn’t you say!

Traveling with Ed back to Liberia- a 350 mile drive north - was in itself an adventure!  Taking the road that the locals call "the road of death" (no kidding - saw that in the Frommer's book) was a 12,000 foot climb as we came from sea level to see the absolutely gorgeous mountains and jungle .... miles of fields and agriculture into the aired dry north region ... of course going through the capital, San Jose - was nothing short of the guys version of "The Amazing Race" - who gives directions and who takes direction - safe and sound we arrived!!  A quick reunion dinner/happy hour special back at the Marina Papagayo was a real treat for all of us.
Adventures with Ed! Doesn't matter by the sea or by the road ... it is always fun!!

All I have to say is:  "Oh Brother"  - thanks for making memories with us!
Life is good!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Cousins Sue and Bud called to see if we would like some sailing time with them and what that they wanted to do was actually sail Companion’s on a leg of her journey home - we excitedly agreed that the Papagayo to Quespos leg would be perfect … getting that all arranged Dale called his brother Ed to see if he would like to join in the fun as well .. so now we are 5 …. Finishing up Companion’s final stretch … 350 nautical miles back to Golfito ….   Family … it is a good thing!

Knowing that Bud and Sue had lots of sailing experience  - this leg of the voyage would be super nice for Dale - and of course, Ed, the “old salt” that he is … no worries for all hands on deck!

Now.. doesn't he look like a nice and relaxed captain?

Bud and Sue arrived just in time to celebrate 32 big ones with us … off to Father Rooster’s in Playa de Coco for a beach side dinner … provisioning done for the next two weeks we are set.

Great little beach front dining and margaritas .... yum!!

Ed arriving the next day - completes the crew …. Off to the Dive Bar for one last Margarita and Happy Hour - going to miss Luis, Sergio, and Adrian - they became friends; seeing them almost every day for the last three months.
The Dive Bar - it was a great place to just hang out and enjoy every one's company!

A short sail was planned for the first day out - to Playa Conchal - a beautiful little bay that we had anchored in January … and now we are back!

Sue enjoying the moment!

We did have an engine issue on our way down … white smoke coming from the port side engine - not a good sign and a concern for the captain … with Ed and Bud’s boating and mechanical experience … Dale’s ability to think thru engine difficulties … the guys thought  it was a cooling issue - so Dale and Bud cleaned barnacles from the sail drive (raw water inlet) then started taking apart the engine - well not exactly taking it apart … but checking it out and ultimately replacing the impeller … so in the morning we were be good to go.

Bird;s eye view of the work being done ... all I can say is "grease monkeys"

The next day’s sail was to Playa Samara to spend a day just chillin’! Wishful thinking!  A new problem arose on that trip since the Port engine lost all of it’s oil … So Ed reminded Dale of what they had fixed previously and thought maybe they should begin at that point. So Ed came up with the idea of checking the “O” ring and sure enough it had a bad spot so a little Teflon tape and fingers crossed.  Well it worked ….  Bud’s calm and cool demeanor was exactly what Dale needed … and of course .. Ed’s expertise and wisdom!?!   We could now have a more restful sail to Golfito - put in on the freighter and get her home … in one piece!

Of course Ed is his supervisory role - giving good sound advice !

Of course when chaos happens - usually more than one situation arises - so as the engine was causing problems - we got a "FISH ON!" - so all work stopped - gotta get the Dorado - Mahi Mahi for dinner!!  Thanks Buds for having priorities!  Fish first!!

A gorgeous 30" Dorado - and look at those fabulous swim trunks ... I think they are his lucky ones!

 In Samara - for two days in this bay …. Dale anchored on the south end of the bay - very protected but we forgot we had to walk the 2 miles on the beach to get to Gusto’s Beachfront Grill …. Ed swore Dale took us on a “death march” in the heat and you know what happens with heat …  “chafing” … ugh …. Let’s just say that “Gold Bond” powder did the trick when we got back to the boat! You should have seen Ed’s eyes after the menthol powder hit his tender skin!! Sue and I laughed till our sides hurt!!  Poor guy!  I only wish I would have had a picture of Ed at that moment  ... it would have told a million stories!

Doin' exactly what Bud wanted to do - sitting with his sweetheart on the ocean's edge for a happy hour!

Resting after the beach hike .... thank goodnes we found a taxi to take us back to the dinghy!!

As we sailed south the landscape was changing drastically - in the Papagayo’s it is very dry and arid … now the green lush jungle is our constant view - the jungle flora drops right into the ocean … the surf is huge - breaking water crashing against the reefs - massive waves rolling towards the shore … one can see why this is a surfers paradise!

On the bow of Companion!

Our destination for the next two nights was the Isla Tortuga’s  - absolutely gorgeous …. Pristine little islands with that fabulous blue water we love … white sandy beaches - soft as silk …. A coral reef channel filled with reef fish and brain corals … and the best part - we only had to share this perfect place with one other sailboat … during the day tourist are brought over from the mainland - but they are gone by 3 … so time for us to chill, relax and listen to Ed’s stories!!! (Again - of course Bud and Sue had never heard them before so they were a good audience for him!)

Enjoying the good life!

Isla Tortuga to Quespos the next waypoint … this is where we would moor for two nights in order to let Bud and Sue get their travel plans in order … so an afternoon of walking around the town, getting Colones (Costa Rican dollars) for their bus fare, a little shopping in and a great lunch … the sad part for us was that we so enjoyed our time together .. it went so fast and we were not ready for them to leave …

Bud taking a moment to share his thoughts for our journal!

El Jardin - a perfect lunch spot before we said adios for now!

Thanks Bud and Sue … you got us over half way to Golfito!  
How soon can you get to Washington to do some more sailing …

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Welcome Aboard

We are excited to welcome our next crew ....

A return voyage for Ed ...
Sue and Bud first time Companion sailors ...

Heading towards the "finish line" for this adventure ....  more stories to come ....


This morning we are preparing for the final leg of this voyage. 

Leaving Marina Papagayo is bittersweet.
Dale and I fell in love with Costa Rica here.
It has been an incredibly positive experience here.

Celebrating 32 years 

We love the people, the country, the culture … it is a happy place.

We will always have fond memories of our time here and all of the folks who made it happen for us … 
Thank you Marina Papagayo! 
Dan and Crew you made it really special for us …
a great way to end our almost 2 year adventure!

We will be back to visit - there is no doubt!

this is the view we had every morning off the bow of Companion

It is with "sweetness" that we will soon be "home" ....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fearsome Foursome - Friends!

When we got an email from Em that said that she and Kyle would like to come for another week on Companion - we of course said yes … they said “see you next week!”

Well - all righty!  The next email:  two friends would like to come - so as you know - the more the merrier for us! Kori and Dan are all signed up … love it!  

The Dive Bar - once again gathers friends!

As we knew the kids would overlap the stay with Sandy, Dan and the girls … no problem …. we figured it out and everyone was perfectly comfortable!

Kyle requested some land tours as well as sailing adventures … the day after Dan and his crew left us - we relaxed, cleaned up, laundry, remade the berths, swim and I did say relax - right …we were ready to go for another week of fun!

Land excursions first ….. after a good brunch!

Em took over some of the cooking duties!

Off to the local waterfall - gotta see what the locals are up to … and get a real flavor for fun … It is such a perfect spot - we just love sharing it with our people!

Picture perfect … an amazing sight … the sound of the water falling - so lovely!

 Playin’ in the cascade!

Wednesday to the Chorotega Indian Village for another visit with Willy and his family … I so love their craft.  This time Willy’s brother, Santiago gave the kids a demo - explained his family’s tradition and how they sustain themselves …. He does have a passion for his art.  Shopping  is a real treat in their backyard!

A true craftsman!

Kyle has a mountain bike buddy that now resides in Taramindo - a little surf town - so we had set up a lunch date with him … Langostino’s Beach Club - an amazing little oasis of pure bliss - lunch on the beach with amazing lounge chairs to hang out in …

Em and Kyle decided to try their hand at surfing, Kori chilled out on her lounge chair and played in the surf, Dan walked the beach, as well as Dale and I did walked the opposite way towards the open ocean … lovely …. a great afternoon.
Dan let the salt water wash over him!

While the kids walked the town - Dale and I provisioned at the local supermarket, that way we were set for our sailing days …

Up bright and early - we had planned just a two day outing … day one … fabulous sailing, anchoring, swimming off the back deck, an adventure in the water caves, and a good night’s sleep under the most amazing stars!  Saw several shooters!

Enjoying the dip off the back deck ..cheers!

After so much fun - two girls needed a rest .... the good life!

Kori ‘s first time experience on a sailboat … loved “Costa Rica, Costa Rica!” Her wonderful smile says it all - easy to be with and not hard to please - a real treat for us to get to know her!

Dan (one of Kyle’s island friends) - also experiencing his first time on Companion - 
was loads of fun and entertainment …  he sure loved his Pringels! 

 The morning brought us some frustration - as our fresh water pump was not working - actually started leaking and we had a real mess on our hands …  Kyle and Dale took apart the pump and to no avail - wasn’t gonna cooperate … ugh ... broken boat
Kyle doing his research on the boat part!

So we decided to just take a sail …. Back to the marnia as we knew we would need drinking water before to long … so with that said … off we went … but as situations sometimes turn out - we saw a few spinner dolphins and then out of no where ….

At least 2 dozen or more right near the port side - swimming, jumping, flipping - we had quite a show for at least 30 minutes - maybe more …. They are amazing creatures that never cease to entertain us!  Stingrays and turtles also appeared … lucky for us that we were forced to head back in the Papagayo Bay for dolphin performance!

As we were heading into our bay - not one but two of the fishing poles started taking off - so the fearless fishing team of "Em and Kyle" took charge and landed two good size tunas ar the same time .. a first for Companion - dual fish ... we had a feast that night!!

What a team - the Ugly Stick strikes again!

Back at the dock - the guys got real serious about fixing the pump … absolutely a no go!  To the marine store - for a new pump - the kids headed out for a hike and pool - Dale installed it - no problem - works like a champ!  We ordered another one and brother Ed will bring it when he comes down  next week - we are learning to be more prepared for this kind of “emergencies”.

The kids decided they needed a "dinghy adventure" so off they went to survey the bay, beaches and river - ending with the traditional monkey walk!

Then after all of that adventure ... a little rest and sun before they had to pack up ....

One of our Companion traditions is our log book - all guests who have spent anytime with us on our journey have been asked to add to the journal ... I am sure once Dale and I really sit down on our couch the full impact of these entries will really hit us ... so in the meantime - Em and Kori contemplate their voyage!

 It is always hard to say goodbye to our kids - but this time it was somewhat sweeter when Em said “See you in a month or so … can you just anchor out and we will dinghy over to you for happy hour!”  “It’s a date!” was our reply!
The fearsome foursome will be back on Companion soon!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


A surprise … most of you know I like being in control and surprises throw me for a loop! 

Well, “A Surprise” I got - Of course Dale knew all about this and worked hard at keeping a secret  … I was hanging out on the front deck of the boat and I heard “her” voice …

All of a sudden there Glori was - right here on Companion … what a surreal feeling to have my baby sister aboard our floating home …  

Sharing life with Glori is always so much fun  … giggling together, having new experiences together, reading each others minds, wanting to be together … that is what sisters want and do! 

I do think she knew I needed a “Sister Fix” …. She has a way of making life grand - always goes with the flow!

Floating with a Morning Mocha!

No words can ever express how much I appreciated all of Glori’s extra efforts to get to Costa Rica for just a long weekend! Memories for both Dale and I!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you make it sing and laugh till it hurts!! 

Adventures are what dreams are made of!

Adventures are what dreams are made of …. That is what Dan, Sandy, Kailee and Krislyn wanted - an adventure!  So off to Costa Rica to visit …. a dream come true to travel to a tropical paradise!

Getting acclimated to boat life!

Dale and I really thought long and hard about their 5-day visit …. some sailing, some swimming, some relaxing, some fishing, some land touring and of course the ultimate (for me) - some zip lining! 

We squeezed everything we could into each day - without making them or us to crazy …
Sandy asked me a couple of times - on different days - what time was it … I replied - oh about noon. We really had already had so much fun  … she couldn’t believe. Said it felt like it should be 5pm … way to much activity and still more to do each day … welcome to my world - time just moves slower.

Our first “young people” to be on the boat - Kailee and Krislyn - was a real treat for this Uncle and Aunt - of course Krislyn addressed her uncle as “Captain Sir Captain” whenever she needed anything and that got Dale’s attention immediately (and no I do not call him that!)   Kailee was willing after a little coaxing to try all sorts of new things and Krislyn is just plain fearless - ready at the drop of the hat to be the first in line for everything!!

Kailee learning how to tidy up the trampoline!

Captain Dale and his little first mate on this voyage!

After getting them settled into their berths - who sleeps where and how and what makes the boat work  … and of course the class on toilet flushing, etc - they were ready for fun!  Kailee, Krislyn and I got all of the prep work done and made three delish pizzas from scratch - we had a ball deciding on the ingredients … all tasted terrific!

The pizza looked good and tasted good, too!

After a good night’s sleep - ready for more fun - we actually just hung out at the pool  - Dan was a little under the weather - Sandy was searching for as much sun as she could get  - then we had this most remarkable surprise.

Krislyn - our early riser found the best seat in the house - usually about 5:30 am!
We saw the sunrise 4 out of 5 days!

Krislyn practiced for hours with new snorkel and fin gear!

Dale told me he had to go to the airport to pick up a package he had ordered … low and behold “the package” was really Glori - what a shocker!!  I heard her voice before I saw her … we all couldn’t believe our eyes …  apparently Dale kept Glori in the loop after Dan and his girls made their plans to visit so those two decided to keep it a secret from all of us … but like all good surprises - everyone else knew but us 5! 

Our sweet surprise!!  Glorianne!

The rest of that day was spent just being together - loved that!!  Krislyn and Kailee enjoyed having two aunts to hang with!!

Part of the land excursion was a trip up into the mountains - Buena Vista to take a walk on the hanging bridges in that jungle canopy - a great little walk with 16 bridges and platforms  …  saw no monkeys there … but loads of birds and of course the jungle foliage.

On top of the jungle!

Dan and Sandy on their hike down from the bridges.

A picnic lunch, back into the car and a last minute decision to take a side trip to the “local waterfall” - of course changing into swimwear in the car is another story and one that is better spoken then written - so ask me sometime!  The hike down to the falls is not an easy one - but Sandy and Dan were real sports about it and enjoyed this magical place that is not on any map  … laughing, splashing and swimming under the cascades- simply took my breath away … now Krislyn decided not to change into her suit - but "Captain Sir Captain" thought she needed to experience the mist from the falls  … oh well - she changed into her swimsuit after we got back to the car!!! 

 Two beauties - Kailee and the waterfall!

 "Look Mom - Uncle Dale made me do it!" 
These are the moments that make dreams into adventures!

The next stop - shopping in Play del Coco - a special little surf town and of course it had the sport fishing company that we needed to make our reservation for a charter with for Sunday afternoon  … after cruising up and down the street and in and out of all sorts of shops - Dan treated us to a great dinner of fresh fish at Papagayo’s Seafood - outdoor dining overlooking the street.  Really good local food!

Morning came early as the Captain has warned us that we will set sail by 7 am so we could get back to the marina early in the afternoon and why waste time sleeping. We had fun to be had!  Sailing out of our dock is a breeze, into the bay was like gliding on ice - smooth as glass. Around the Papagayo Peninsula to our special bay we anchored and got ready to play in the water, go for beach walks, a dinghy ride, a little spelunking into a water cave, shells picking and of course getting our fair share of the UV rays - plus a little lunch on the back deck … what more fun could we ask for?

 Sandy at the helm - taking in all of sights!

 Dan surveying the land and seascape!

Mischief in somebody's eyes ... not mine!

Safely back at the dock - Dale once again had to run an errand - this time I knew all about it …. He brought Emily, Kyle and their two friends, Kori and Dan to the marina … another surprise for Dan, Sandy and the girls. With a crowd that size - we rented a condo from the marina for the overflow but had a great dinner on the boat of spaghetti and meat sauce - you know how I love to cook for a crowd!!   Now that is fun for me!

Girls just chilling by the pool!

Sunday was our last full day - so with an early wake up call, breakfast eaten we had arranged for the Witches Rock Canopy Tour - the shuttle picked all of us up - 11 total … 8 of us (including me!) got ourselves all harnessed up and ready for a zip line tour of the canopy jungle … flying thru the air for about 1500 feet was the first “zip” - of course Krislyn was the first one in line … only 8 zips more to go!  Kailee on the other hand was the only one to do a zip upside down … that is right; head down - feet up … oh my!!  She loved it!  It took us a little over an hour for all 8 of us to get done … what an experience!  I only wish I would have kept my eyes open for the first "zip" ... that was the one that viewed the Pacific and of course it was the longest one!

The gang all ready for the first ZIP .......

Back to the marina in time for some lunch and then off for a charter fishing trip - Dan, Dale, Kyle fished - Emily and Kori just went for the ride!!  Four hours later - they brought home a Spanish mackerel for us to cook another day!

Hoping for a really good "fish tale" when the return!

I just couldn’t believe it - how fast the time really went and that they had to pack up and leave the next morning … Dan, Sandy, the girls and Glori …. So glad they came to see life on Companion and to share in our dream …  adventures - remember that is what dreams are made of!!


 Thanks for wanting an adventure and sharing ours .... we loved having you on board Companion!