A short history of SV Companion -
In April of 2005, Kim and I signed an agreement to purchase a Leopard Catamaran and place it in the Moorings Charter Program for 5 years.

Buying the last 40' Catamaran built in 2005 by Robinson and Caine of South Africa, the boat was to be chartered in Placencia, Belize. It arrived in Belize in late November, and was used by Moorings Chartering until June of 2010. During that time, we were able to sail our boat many times, and have a few charters in other parts of the world; LaPaz Mexico, Abaco Bahama, British Virgin Islands, Nice France, Gocek Turkey (Turquoise Coast).

Max , our nephew and his dad, Mike will be joining, Kim and I for part of the voyage. We are also looking forward to meeting family and friends along the way.

Our blog is intended to share our journey, memories and information to sailors.

Enjoy, Dale & Kim

PS: 10 years after the start of our voyage, we are living in LaConner with SV Companion and the adventure continues.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Cousins Sue and Bud called to see if we would like some sailing time with them and what that they wanted to do was actually sail Companion’s on a leg of her journey home - we excitedly agreed that the Papagayo to Quespos leg would be perfect … getting that all arranged Dale called his brother Ed to see if he would like to join in the fun as well .. so now we are 5 …. Finishing up Companion’s final stretch … 350 nautical miles back to Golfito ….   Family … it is a good thing!

Knowing that Bud and Sue had lots of sailing experience  - this leg of the voyage would be super nice for Dale - and of course, Ed, the “old salt” that he is … no worries for all hands on deck!

Now.. doesn't he look like a nice and relaxed captain?

Bud and Sue arrived just in time to celebrate 32 big ones with us … off to Father Rooster’s in Playa de Coco for a beach side dinner … provisioning done for the next two weeks we are set.

Great little beach front dining and margaritas .... yum!!

Ed arriving the next day - completes the crew …. Off to the Dive Bar for one last Margarita and Happy Hour - going to miss Luis, Sergio, and Adrian - they became friends; seeing them almost every day for the last three months.
The Dive Bar - it was a great place to just hang out and enjoy every one's company!

A short sail was planned for the first day out - to Playa Conchal - a beautiful little bay that we had anchored in January … and now we are back!

Sue enjoying the moment!

We did have an engine issue on our way down … white smoke coming from the port side engine - not a good sign and a concern for the captain … with Ed and Bud’s boating and mechanical experience … Dale’s ability to think thru engine difficulties … the guys thought  it was a cooling issue - so Dale and Bud cleaned barnacles from the sail drive (raw water inlet) then started taking apart the engine - well not exactly taking it apart … but checking it out and ultimately replacing the impeller … so in the morning we were be good to go.

Bird;s eye view of the work being done ... all I can say is "grease monkeys"

The next day’s sail was to Playa Samara to spend a day just chillin’! Wishful thinking!  A new problem arose on that trip since the Port engine lost all of it’s oil … So Ed reminded Dale of what they had fixed previously and thought maybe they should begin at that point. So Ed came up with the idea of checking the “O” ring and sure enough it had a bad spot so a little Teflon tape and fingers crossed.  Well it worked ….  Bud’s calm and cool demeanor was exactly what Dale needed … and of course .. Ed’s expertise and wisdom!?!   We could now have a more restful sail to Golfito - put in on the freighter and get her home … in one piece!

Of course Ed is his supervisory role - giving good sound advice !

Of course when chaos happens - usually more than one situation arises - so as the engine was causing problems - we got a "FISH ON!" - so all work stopped - gotta get the Dorado - Mahi Mahi for dinner!!  Thanks Buds for having priorities!  Fish first!!

A gorgeous 30" Dorado - and look at those fabulous swim trunks ... I think they are his lucky ones!

 In Samara - for two days in this bay …. Dale anchored on the south end of the bay - very protected but we forgot we had to walk the 2 miles on the beach to get to Gusto’s Beachfront Grill …. Ed swore Dale took us on a “death march” in the heat and you know what happens with heat …  “chafing” … ugh …. Let’s just say that “Gold Bond” powder did the trick when we got back to the boat! You should have seen Ed’s eyes after the menthol powder hit his tender skin!! Sue and I laughed till our sides hurt!!  Poor guy!  I only wish I would have had a picture of Ed at that moment  ... it would have told a million stories!

Doin' exactly what Bud wanted to do - sitting with his sweetheart on the ocean's edge for a happy hour!

Resting after the beach hike .... thank goodnes we found a taxi to take us back to the dinghy!!

As we sailed south the landscape was changing drastically - in the Papagayo’s it is very dry and arid … now the green lush jungle is our constant view - the jungle flora drops right into the ocean … the surf is huge - breaking water crashing against the reefs - massive waves rolling towards the shore … one can see why this is a surfers paradise!

On the bow of Companion!

Our destination for the next two nights was the Isla Tortuga’s  - absolutely gorgeous …. Pristine little islands with that fabulous blue water we love … white sandy beaches - soft as silk …. A coral reef channel filled with reef fish and brain corals … and the best part - we only had to share this perfect place with one other sailboat … during the day tourist are brought over from the mainland - but they are gone by 3 … so time for us to chill, relax and listen to Ed’s stories!!! (Again - of course Bud and Sue had never heard them before so they were a good audience for him!)

Enjoying the good life!

Isla Tortuga to Quespos the next waypoint … this is where we would moor for two nights in order to let Bud and Sue get their travel plans in order … so an afternoon of walking around the town, getting Colones (Costa Rican dollars) for their bus fare, a little shopping in and a great lunch … the sad part for us was that we so enjoyed our time together .. it went so fast and we were not ready for them to leave …

Bud taking a moment to share his thoughts for our journal!

El Jardin - a perfect lunch spot before we said adios for now!

Thanks Bud and Sue … you got us over half way to Golfito!  
How soon can you get to Washington to do some more sailing …

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